Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's been awhile

Somehow Sam hasn't been cooperating with me getting anything done lately. Today for instance, I worked out. The problem with exercise that doesn't actually include him is that there is a formula associated with it that makes it rather unworkable.

1 minute of exercising by myself = 1 minute of cleaning up after Sam

1 minute of cleaning = 30 seconds of cleaning up after Sam once again

This morning after my workout I had to clean up a Nickel Bag (yes, that's really what they called it!) of catnip that he'd spread around the whole downstairs. He told me "Mama, I spilled it on accident." Then while cleaning that up he spread all his toys around the house but I'm just ignoring that since picking those up just means I'll pick them up again at some point today.

Not only that, when I'm trying to exercise he interrupts me continually by jumping on me or asking for things or throwing things. In many ways it's just not worth it. I can't exercise after he goes to bed because I'm not a night person and I just can't do it after 8pm. I try to do it in the morning before he's awake but he usually wakes up when I get up so I can't do it anyway. And naps? They keep getting shorter and shorter so my workouts get interrupted in the middle anyway. And I'd rather use that time for something fun.

When I include him in activities that have the potential to be exercise we generally end up going so slowly I can't really consider it a workout. Snail's pace is fast compared to the stopping starting turning Sam stroller pushing walking pace of a Sam.

Maybe I should just wake Ben up and make him watch Sam in the morning so I can get some exercise. Of course even when Ben is watching him it doesn't mean that Sam isn't constantly interrupting me and destroying the house because he just doesn't seem to stick as close to Ben as he does to me.

Maybe I should set the clock for 4:30 am to decrease the chance that Sam will wake up. Doesn't that sound like fun? The option of just not exercising at all is much more likely.

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