Since I'm talking about Ben and his spending habits, I have to mention classic Ben. Several years ago, Ben bought a canoe to use for hunting ducks. I think he used it 2-3 times a year. Then of course of the canoe was insufficient and he "needed" a duck boat so he sold he canoe and bought the boat. He spent several days sandblasting the exterior then repainted it with some sort of reed camoflage. Then of course he had to replace the motor, buy a trolling motor, buy a big piece o' reed/grass thing to put over the top so he could better hide from the ducks. He used that thing maybe 5 times a year. It took up a huge portion of the driveway and I admit, I bitched about it all the time because of that. Oh, and he paid to store it in the winter.
He finally admitted that it wasn't a very good investment and sold it only to buy a kayak. I'm sure he won't use it more than a couple of times of year and it's already "required" the purchase of wood to make a rack for his pick up because you just can't toss it in the back of the truck from some strange reason. Want to take any bets on the number of times it'll be used per year? But the advantage of the kayak is that it fits in the garage so theoretically it won't annoy me every single day. Guess where it has been sitting since he bought it? Right in the middle of the driveway....
Time to ditch the kayak and get an Adirondack guide boat. All the cool kids are doin' it...
How about an oil tanker? Just think of all the money you could save on gas?
Satan! Go back to your evil heat.
And Lisa, the problem with that is that then he'd need an oil refinery and I'm just not sure where that would fit in the house.
So what you're saying is that you are opposed to moving to Alaska for these purposes. I guess you're no REALLY committed to saving money. ;-)
Since the duck boat is gone, are these lovelies up for auction?
Oh, well, the link was supposed to go to those camo overalls he bought a while back.
Now, he can't get rid of those! They're slenderizing.
Oh, and Ben would probably love to move to Alaska but he'd have to deal with an insane wife so I think we'll skip it.
I gotta say, I thought Sam looked really cute in the kayak.
Yes, but Sam would look cute on an oil tanker too!
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