Monday, December 11, 2006

Ergonomically correct

A little work perk today – an ergonomic evaluation of my set up at work. I’m big into prevention so I happily accepted the offer and even pretended I have eyestrain to get on the list.

And now, I’ll provide you with a free e-consultation (insert disclaimer here blah blah blah).

First off, chair height. Legs are supposed to be parallel to the floor when your feet are flat on the floor. The shorties in my office were told to get footstools so they’re not sitting way below their desks like little kids at the dinner table.

Adjust the back so it supports your lower lumbar region when you’re sitting straight up. Oh yeah, you’re supposed to sit up straight so STOP SLOUCHING. For me, that meant pulling the back of the chair as far forward as it went.

If you like to use the arms on your chair, the height should be such that they hold your forearms parallel to the floor. If you don’t, take them off.

This is a nice segue into keyboard height. It should be set so elbows, forearm and wrist are parallel to the floor. To make it even more ergonomically correct, you can tip it down and away slightly so you have the floppy-hanging-downward-tilting wrist effect. I’ve discovered this better accommodates my unintentionally too-long fingernails but I think it’s going to take some time to get used to. Beware: the tilt causes my mouse to repeatedly fall off the mouse pad onto the floor.

Lastly, monitor height. When you’re sitting up (stop slouching!) you’re supposed to be looking at the top third of the computer screen so you don’t have to look down to see the screen. I had to raise my monitor by about 6 inches, which looks weird at first glance but has been strangely easy to get used to. Of course, when I get my dreaded but necessary bifocals I may need to readjust the location but at least now I know the monitor height is can be easily changed without having to prop it up on something. I do notice that it’s harder to see my keyboard and screen at the same time when I’m typing unfamiliar characters and numbers.

Oh man! I’m reducing my ability to make a workman’s comp claim! But no carpal tunnel either.

In a related event, I went to yoga class today and someone walked in with boots with four inch heels and my yoga teacher told her “I’d last about three minutes in those boots!” Then she went on “when my feet are complaining, my mouth is complaining!”

Words of wisdom people, words of wisdom.


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