Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Deal or no deal?

Look what we've got now:
Ah yes! A big boy bed for a growing Sam. We picked up the bed from Ben's mom this weekend; it used to belong to either Ben's grandfather or greatgrandfather, one or the other. It's old. Would you like to take a photo tour? See the green bowl on the cheesy toy drawer thing? That's because Sam didn't feel well this evening so that's the honorary puke bowl which is NOT the popcorn bowl. Several friends have told me that the household popcorn bowl had a secondary function as the puke bowl in their homes. When I was a kid we used a trash can but Sam wants something he can easily haul around, thus the bowl. It has to be green because that is the color of the day. Note the color of the comforter.

His bed is full of "friends" although he's not loyal to them. His favorite is the baby doll that belonged to his daddy.

A sippy cup is a mandatory nightime accessory although I always prefer that he not use it very much for obvious laundry-generating reasons.

Books books books never enough books.

There is also a doggie shaped flashlight because of course the light from the nightlight is insufficient. Today Sam was worried about foxes scratching at the windows until I pointed out that his purple dragon will scare them away.

Given the effort we've put into making his new big boy bed something special, guess his reaction post story and cuddling.

Is it A:
or B:

Edited to add: Of course it's "b" because this kid just can't make any transition easily. Five days later he has yet to sleep in his new big bed.


LisaTV said...

I vote "B" but I have to add that "A" is SUCH A CUTE picture!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bed! It looks great!

And boy, am I glad that the popcorn bowl is a separate bowl...

It's "B", obviously.

Anonymous said...

HEY! Wasn't Lisa TV one of those people who said they had just ONE bowl for both purposes when she was a child, or am I remembering that wrong???

Kimberly said...

Another vote for B!

I like the two pics.

Does he sleep in his own room now, or is his bed in with you guys?

My neice HATES to go to bed. She's five, and I think her mind just keeps working when she tries to sleep. I guess she comes out of her room to ask weird questions all the time.

Her brother, three, LOVES to go to bed. If you suggest it's bed time, he hops up and is halfway up the stairs in an instant.

We used trashcans. The popcorn bowl is sacred.

LisaTV said...

Beth, not only did we have a combo popcorn/puke bowl, but I have the ACTUAL bowl of fame from my childhood. We retired it recently when we got a good one from a hospital visit - really deep and narrow.

Anonymous said...

That's a darling bed, and the boy is equally so. I know the answer is "B", but I do love picture "a".

Here, we have the barf bucket. Funny story about that...A friend asked if we could give her some of the pine cones we have in our yard, because her kindergartner needed some for class. Abbie and I picked up a bucket full, and Chip dropped them off, with an urgent message from Abbie included, letting the friend know that this particular bucket had NEVER been puked in...lol

Anonymous said...

That bed looks very much like the bed either you or Lisa used for a while, although it was painted white. It belonged to my grandmother. I think it is in the basement and would be great for Abbie if there was any way to get it to her.

Anne V said...

We used trashcans too and I think we will in the future but when you've got a kidlet who claims to be sick sitting on your lap it's hard to fit a trashcan in any comfortable position, thus the bowl. Oh, and it's green since that is his favorite color (for the moment).