Saturday, March 24, 2007

This one will embarrass Sam when he’s older

Ben taught Sam a little ditty recently:

If you sprinkle
When you tinkle
Please be neat and wipe the seat

I grew up with three brothers so I don’t know how I was able to be so oblivious to the downside of potty training. Sam’s aim, his horrible aim!

He inconsistently tries to be neat but his recent efforts led to a plugged toilet and a trip to the despised despot for a snake and new plunger. Those of you who have been to our house will be amused to know that he plugged the toilet* that seems to have the ability to flush pets and small children. It has NEVER been plugged before. Yesterday I caught him with a wad a toilet paper bigger than his head that he was planning to throw in the toilet. He had a meltdown when I took it away from him. The words “plugged toilet” meant nothing to him since I don’t think he understands the words. When I said “broken toilet” it was clearer but that didn’t change the fact that he wanted that big wad to wipe the seat and that was that!

*We highly recommend the Gerber toilet with Flushmate if you’re looking for a low flow toilet that really works. The only downside we’ve found is that if you want to be discreet about your flush you’re SOL – it’s impressively loud.


LisaTV said...

I'm impressed that he could plug your TURBO flush toilet!

Anonymous said...

The Gerber toilet? Sounds like it was made with babies and toddlers in mind!

(yes, I'm at work today, but I'm leaving soon...)

Anonymous said...

Ha haha ha. That is funny (in hindsight, of course, but annoying when it was happening, I'm sure) That is one loud toilet, for sure!!

Anne V said...

He has many skills, some of which he wouldn't cultivate. There aren't many careers in toilet plugging although if he does it enough it may lead to a career in plumbing. Based on my limited experience that's a good way to charge a fortune for being undependable.