Monday, June 04, 2007

The weight of parenting

Today as I lugged my purse (ok, great big old bag that used to double as a diaper bag way back when Sam wore diapers) around I realized it was so heavy I was walking around like this dude:

I suspect my expression was somewhat similar.

I bravely explored the deep recesses of the bag to reveal.....a massive bag o' change! Oh yes, Sam decided to take his money with him on one of our adventures and of course it turned into the usual "Mama will you hold this for me?" story.


Anonymous said...


So did you spend it, or will you give it back to him?

Renee said...

Time to get the guy a little backpack so he can carry around his own stuff.

Anne V said...

He does have a little green (his favorite color) backpack he likes to lug around. Unfortunately that means when he gets tired of it, I end up carrying the whole thing.

Oh, and his lovely little green backpack is always filled with things of absolutely no use. Parts of toys, pieces of paper, etc. They aren't things he wants at any point, he just thinks the backpack needs to be full.