Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Anniversary Dude!

See, we’re not really the romantic types and I’m less romantic than Ben some classic role reversal. We escaped to go see a movie and go out to dinner all by ourselves. It felt like a minor miracle. We are free! We are free! Last year we tried but Sam was sick and we had to cancel.

But the day? Ordinary. I spent the morning cleaning and organizing the disaster that is our house. I ran out of steam before I ran out of mess. Ben went out with his boyfriend. Ok, not really. He’s went shooting with a friend of his. Sam spent the day doing Samthings with me.

It’s amazing that it’s been eleven years! How can that be? I’m thankful for these good years and hope there will be many more.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! What movie did you see? And how did you make yourselves come home when it was over??!

Renee said...


Anne V said...

We saw "Atonement" which was good. And then we headed over to Smokejacks for dinner. Hadn't been there since it opened way back when (10 years ago? I don't really remember) and I remember we weren't all that impressed at that time but we had a very good meal there this time.