Saturday, January 05, 2008

May I rant for a moment

I know that taxes are inevitable. I resent them of course, but I feel that some taxes are necessary for the common good. That is not my issue.

My issue is that I've just spent about four hours filling out the stinking forms. I've lost all those hours, when I could be doing something productive like playing with my kid or uh, watching TV, instead.

I do most of the tax crap for Ben's business and it's the end of the year report and tax time. W-2, W-3, some stupid census thing, unemployment for the state and feds, quarterly tax payments, sales tax, etc. My head is spinning! I don't know anything about this stuff and I do the best I can but can't it all be simplified into one stupid form? Please oh please? I counted nine separate filings for Q4/year end/monthly stuff and it does NOT include the year end business tax return. I don't do that, that's why we have an accountant.

It might help if I got paid to do this stuff but nooooooooooooooo, I'm an honorary treasurer, secretary, and VT of the business and I get exactly $0 salary for my work.

Of course it doesn't help that before I did the business crap I paid all the household bills and our quarterly tax payments. That makes me grumpy.

And I still need to start pulling all the personal tax information together for 2007 so I resent that in advance, especially since I doubt we'll get a refund this year.

To make myself feel better I taught Sam to sing the Batman version of "Jingle Bells" but made up the last line because I can't remember it correctly.

Jingle bells
Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
The batmobile popped a wheel
And Joker broke his leg*

*If you know the "right" mutated line for the song, let me know, would you?


Anonymous said...

NO ONE knows the last line of the batman jingle! It's a perpetual mystery.

Mike Huckabee wants to do away with federal taxes and just have a national sales tax. That would be easier! (but amazingly stupid...)

At least you don't have to pay taxes on your zero dollar salary for CNS.

Anne V said...

I bet the government would love to find a way to make me pay for the privilege of doing taxes....

LisaTV said...

We sang it like this:

Jingle bells
Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile lost its wheel
And Joker got away

I think that's right too. One must not question Lawton wisdom.

Renee said...

I've also hear:

Jingle Bells
Batman Smells
Robin laid an egg
Joker died
Batman cried
and Robin flew away

Kimberly said...

I always sang the same version as Lisa (the midwest version, perhaps?)

Anonymous said...

Google agrees with Lisa too

Anonymous said...

I learned it:

Jingle Bells, Batman smells
Robin laid an egg
Batmobile has lost its wheel
and Joker broke his leg.

It seems to me the last line should rhyme with "egg" that's why "Joker got away" doesn't make any sense to me.