Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Meanderthal

Sam woke up at 5:30 this morning and the weather is well above freezing. We decided we'd walk to Sam's school which is only about a mile away from our house.

I thought I was sufficiently patient to deal with walking a mile with Sam because we left before 7am but now I'm not sure I can ever that patient. First there is the stopping. That doesn't bother me too much because he's usually looking at something, picking something up, or playing. The puddle jumping? Entirely understandable and sometimes fun as long as I'm far enough way from him when he does it. But the foot dragging meandering pace is enough to make me want to tear my hair. Almost 45 minutes to walk a mile? Arrrrggggghhhhhh!

I want him to like to walk places. I want him to want to hike with me when he's older. I want to him to get in the habit of walking places.

Oh stroller, how I miss you sometimes.


Anonymous said...

45 minutes! I feel your pain!

Does he not like to walk at the moment, or does he just enjoy the slow pace?

Anne V said...

He likes the slow pace. He stops and finds a stick then sees how many thing he can hit with it. He walks slowly but that might be partially because his boots are a bit big.

Or maybe he does it because he knows it drives me batty.

Renee said...

Maybe it's time to teach him how to skip.