Friday, January 04, 2008

Sam's boyfriend

Sam told me "I only like my boyfriends and only my girlfriends like my girlfriends." How much does he love his boyfriend? Their teachers asked each kid in his class to tell them what they want to give for Christmas and to whom they would like to give the gift. Ronan said this:

He doesn't actually have a white box instead of eyes, just in case you were wondering.

What did Sam say?
Isn't that adorable? The teacher said she got the quotes from the kids on different days and they're still nearly identical.

Now I want to see Sam wrap something in wax paper...


Anonymous said...

Umm. I think there's some cheating or copying going on here!

LisaTV said...

I'm shocked he didn't mention me! LOL Hey, I'm the best friend of all because I already brought him the cool-kids trains. Lead-laden Thomas rocks!