Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Sometimes we just need random photos

Images of ordinary days here in TouchOChaos Land. Here I am making dinner surrounded by clutter. Amazing how cameras pick up all the stuff I'm able to ignore.

Sam went to school in his fancy shirt and tie. His teachers were amused. Then he came home and we apparently had a business dinner with some intense negotiations.
My walk to work on New Years Eve morning. That snow is still on the trees and we've had another couple of inches on top of this.

On the way home from work I came across a the Christmas light covered cement truck. I've been hearing about this thing for years but this is the first time I've actually seen it.
This pig was watching over everyone on First Night. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Is it obvious I got a pocket-sized digital camera for Christmas this year? I love the portability! We have a much larger SLR that takes nicer and faster pictures but it's lacking in the portability area.


Anonymous said...

Love the pig! And glad you are enjoying the little camera.

My camera is so tiny that I can't tell if it's in my purse or not unless I rummage around in there for it - very cool!

Sam looks great in shirt and tie. Can you dress Ben up like that, too? I don't think I've EVER seen Ben in white shirt and tie!

Kimberly said...

At dinner on the 23rd, my nephew became inconsolable because my sister-in-law had not been able to procure a tie for him for Christmas eve. The sobs! He was SO SAD!!!

However, they were able to get one for him in time for church on Xmas eve--and then he wouldn't wear the sweater vest they had bought unless he could wear the tie on the outside. (He didn't wear the vest).

Sam looks great. Something about little boys dressed like big boys is too adorable!