Sunday, January 06, 2008

Why don't I ever see stuff like this at the store?

Lisa TV aka Lisa VT sent me this via her cellphone today:
Who is going to do a taste test and get back to us?


LisaTV said...

Note the location - this was on the Combos located in the check out aisle, by the candy bars. I think somebody probably carried those around as a joke for a while and then left them there. It was so random - kit kats, reese's, gum, spotted dick?! I had to share that immediately.

Anonymous said...

oh my!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa!! Up until this point, I thought that a cell phone with a camera was not a necessity, but now I'm sold! What a shame if THAT had gone undocumented!!

I researched "Spotted Dick" on the web, because I'd never heard of it before. I found this:

From the product description, I can't say I'm any more enlightened on the origins of the name. I mean, what does the fact that this stuff is a favorite of English school children have to do with that name????

Kimberly said...

From the product description, I can't say I'm any more enlightened on the origins of the name. I mean, what does the fact that this stuff is a favorite of English school children have to do with that name????

Ah, this is what Wikipedia is for!

Spotted refers to the raisins (which resemble spots) and Dick may be a contraction/corruption of the word pudding (from the last syllable) or possibly a corruption of the word dough.[1] It is also known as spotted dog, plum duff, steamed dicky, dicky pudding, figgy dowdy, dotted lloyd, dicky widmark as well as plum bolster, Spotted Richard. and it is sometimes even called a Dickie Burton after the famous actor.

God, I love the internet.

And phone cameras. I might have to get one of those!