I realize I haven't been posting many pictures lately but it's mainly because I've been lazy and pictures take time and effort even when I'm too lazy to do any editing. Just think how nice my pictures could be if I had Photoshop and time. These are pictures I've taken off the camera I lug around with me rather than the nice SLR which is just too large to carry at all times. There is no doubt the SLR takes nicer pictures so here are my second rate efforts.
Today was a perfect sledding day. The snow was packed but not icy. Other more driven people were likely hitting the slopes but we were sliding the slopes.

See what happens when the flying BenSamSled hits the slopes? Be afraid, be very afraid!

Snowballs are an essential part of a Vermont winter. Here Sam searches for one in an infinite field of snowballs.

Of course when you've got nice packy snow you've got to spend a bit of time with your friends building new friends.

Do you think Frosty will be pulling anything out of this hat?

A common sight in Burlington lately has been the winter no parking sign. When that's lit you've got to keep your car off the road all night long leading people to find some creative parking solutions. They say they'll tow cars left on the road but it looks as though their real strategy is to plow as much snow around the car as possible. I think it probably discourages future illegal parking.

While it's nice and snowy outside, this is what they're showing in the shop windows downtown. Doesn't that look cozy?
I feel freezing cold just looking at those dresses!
Man, those dresses gave me goose-pimples!
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