Thursday, February 21, 2008


This morning I was sitting at my desk and it felt like there was something on my eyelash. I kept rubbing and pulling and still, I was making absolutely no headway in removing whatever it was that was leading to this irritating sensation.

When I took a close look in the mirror I saw the source was NOT my eyelashes, it was a piece of eyebrow that had grown out under my regular eyelashes and was long, weirdly curly and GRAY! How could I have not noticed before? Oh yeah, because I don't spend much time looking in the mirror because that reminds me that I'm older than I feel.

That stray brow hair inspired me to take a closer look at the hair on my head and it appears there are a couple of strands of gray up there too. I'd pull them out but it's hard to grab them to get them out of there. How exactly do people do this?

I hate aging.


Renee said...

Tweezers and/or hair dye.

Anonymous said...

I hear that kind of eyebrow hair pops out on your 45th birthday. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're supposed to pull out those grey hairs that tend to congregate in a clump at the top of your forehead. I leave mine alone, anyway - I don't want to have "female pattern baldness!"