Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sammy is thinking ahead to his birthday

Out of the blue today, Sam told me today he wants a play kitchen for his birthday so he can make pretend food. He'll be five. He's already doing all sorts of things in a real kitchen so I wonder if he'd lose interest immediately if we went ahead and got him a toy kitchen set up. They're also very large and I don't want to find a place for something that size.

I decided to do a little research on the subject and it's amazing what's out there. How about this little gem for only $700? It's adorable but just a tad expensive, eh?

The Rolls Royce of toy kitchens?

There is the $400 frilly PBK kitchen. Yeah, I really don't see that either.

Moving down in price a bit, there is the KidKraft one for only $380.

I like this Back to Basics wooden kitchen but it's still $250 which really seems like a lot for something he'd likely use for a couple of days. (He was looking over my shoulder and spotted this one and said "That's what I want!"*)

I could pretend to misunderstand entirely and get him this dollhouse sized kitchen for about $20.

But I think my strategy will be to find a couple of large cardboard boxes and Sam and I will do a project where we build a nice little kitchen ourselves at some point in the near future. A recyclable kitchen, how efficient. I guess I'm not the first to think of it. I suspect that if we do that he'll be helping so it'll be, er, highly personalized.

*Of course he specified that it also has to have pretend food and pretend dishes.


Anonymous said...

Making a kitchen will be a lot more fun than actually having one.
He has helped in the real kitchen and will be bored with a "play kitchen" very quickly. I vote for the homemade one.

Anonymous said...

He liked the particular one that he did because he liked the smiling boy in the chef's hat! You need to get him an apron and chef's hat, and then he'll be happy with any pretend kitchen.

Fake dishes should be easy to find at the Xmas Tree Shop.

I want the pink play kitchen myself! With the curtains, of course!

Anne V said...

Beth - The idea of a chefs hat and apron is a good one! I bet that would make him happy. Gee, I could make those...

And I think you need a full sized kitchen before you get a toy kitchen but you could make it all pink and Hello Kitty!