Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Ghost of Halloween Past

I remember the plastic Halloween masks of my childhood. The small eyes that were spaced so you couldn't quite see through them, the holes for your nose and mouth that were too small for proper air exchange causing your entire face to fog up in the excitement of trick or treating.

Behold, a 1973 costume it its entirety! It's a Ben Cooper design if that means anything.

And a bonus witch mask that is extremely disturbing when worn by a Sam who would not pose while wearing it so you'll just have to take my word for it. It's also sort of funny that he tried to blow the nose of the mask...

Perhaps the mask should be paired with this clown costume, just for fun! Clowns are scary, right? Oh how I wish I could convince Sam that this should be his costume for next year! He won't try it on because it has lace so it is apparently a threat to his maculinity which he never used to worry about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best part of looking at this stuff is thinking that Ben probably wore it all when he was a kid! I want to see a photo of him in that clown costume...