Sunday, January 18, 2009

Planning for Florida

Sam is extremely excited about our upcoming trip to Florida, the one that's happening in 41 days. But who is counting?

He's so excited that he's already packing, much to my frustration. He's packed his toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush. His dresser is nearly empty. He's packing in garbage bags because we refuse to give him a "muffle bag."

I tried to convince him that we should wait until the day before we go to Florida to pack and that we could make a list* of all the things he wants to take so we wouldn't forget things.

*Between the time I started writing this post and took the pictures, Sam added a steam roller, rocket ballons, marble run, trains, pictures, and computer games to his list.

1 comment:

LisaTV said...

Anne, that is SO CUTE I can hardly stand it!