Monday, February 09, 2009

Travel Practice

Yesterday Sam informed me that he was going to stay in a hotel. I pictured him setting out with a “muffle bag” on his back but no, the “hotel” in his mind was the living room couch (or sofa or as we called it when we were kids, davenport which I later discovered was named after a place where they were made) and my enthusiasm for that was limited. I convinced him that the guest room makes a better hotel with its very comfy and very tall bed. Amazing the way the hotel bathroom looked exactly like his bathroom at home.

I helped him with his luggage (books including what he calls “the Cabella” which is a Cabella’s catalog that weighs at least 3 lbs, a “computer” that is actually a toy cash register, his stuffed friend Moosie, a set of 2 lb hand weights, a bag of goldfish) and he settled into the hotel for the night.

He made me promise that I’d check in on his “house” while he was gone. His “house” is his room and he was concerned that the kitties would do something horrible during the night. Of course I promised to do so.

Sam woke up in the middle of the night and snuggled in with us. He asked “Did you check my house before you went to bed?” Of course!

This morning he decided he was going to stay in the hotel one more day and that meant he wasn’t going to go to school.

He was wrong. That part of vacation he can’t practice because I'm mean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, he "travels" with hand weights! The airlines will charge him extra for that.