Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look what is in my yard!

Spring is officially on its way!

Haven't been posting because:

1) Sick kid
2) Car shopping but no purchase as of yet. I just don't seem to like the cars with all the rebates and incentives. And I am totally amazed at how much time car shopping takes.
3) Unmotived
4) Working lots
5) It takes lots of time to avoid housework
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Anonymous said...

Yay, spring!

Anonymous said...

but i still have a foot and a half of snow in my crocuses for me.

Anne V said...

Phyllis, I think you just need to move west! I saw a robin more than a week ago too. Now when it gets cold I really resent it.

Anonymous said...

I saw a bunch of robins back in February.....i think they were lost and confused.