Saturday, April 25, 2009

A day with the boy

8:30 am - Dentist -- 2 cavities filled

9:30 am - Shop for wrapping paper for a birthday present.

10:00 am - Kill time drinking coffee or hot chocolate while practicing math problems (addition and subtraction using shells to assist)

11:00 am - Haircut

12:00 noon - Lunch downtown

12:30 pm - Art exhibit. New bugs, just for Beth:

But made out of balloons. Another bug:

Want to look in it's mouth?

The Artist is Jason Hackenwerth and the exhibit is called MICRO-MACRO. Why don't the balloons leak?

1:00 pm - Hanging out with the Mayor in front of the fountains. What is this trying to eat Sam's ear?

Oh, it's a deer!

Sam didn't swim in the newly renovated fountains but there were a couple of kids in the water while their Dad whined at them ineffectively.

2:00 pm - We walked down to Echo Center. Sam's finally getting to the age where he's interested in the exhibits rather than just the play areas. There was a mud fling off the third floor balcony in honor of mud season.

4:00 pm - Hang out at the lake, toss sticks in the water.

4:30 pm - Home again home again. Exhaustion. Me, not him.

1 comment:

beth said...

Much better bugs. Thank you!