Sunday, April 26, 2009

One of those days

I am, once more, trying to grow grass in our front yard. Remember our last attempt? That died. It made it through that summer with frequent watering but didn't come back last summer. So this year I'm trying again. Death theories: not enough organic material to hold moisture, grubs, too hot and dry. This year, I dug in a yard of compost and bought seeds that have some sort of coating that in theory, will keep it from drying out too quickly. I put down some sort of decomposing ugly green sheet that is supposed to hold in moisture and decompose naturally. I watered it.

Sam asked if he could help so I let him water while I went to bring some stuff to the compost area. When I got back Sam had been having fun walking all over the green sheeting, making holes in it. He was having great fun making tunnels under the green sheets, washing the soil and seeds onto the sidewalk.

I lost my cool. I was ready to throttle him. When do kids develop COMMON SENSE??????


phyllis said...

I'm still waiting for the common sense to kick in....

beth said...

Phyllis, ROFL!

LisaV said...

Grrrrrrrrrr.....I can totally empathize with your aggravation! Take heart, Luke has glimmers of common sense!

phyllis said...

I want glimmers....