Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gram visits!

My mom comes out and what do I do? I put her to work! Mandatory gardening in Vermont. We built some small flower beds between the sidewalk and the curb and did some mulching.

We dragged her to swimming lessons and t-ball. She dragged us downtown to Ben & Jerry's for some ice cream but there were no complaints about that.

Sam loved having her here as a willing playmate and I loved having her here as Sam's willing playmate too.....

But we did take a break from that to do other things. We headed to the Shelburne Museum for their lilac festival. Check out the view behind mom.

I tried to get a picture of mom and Sam together but Sam's been into making horrible faces so I didn't succeed. I got this shot though.

One of the exhibits this year is a motorcycle exhibit. Check out this bike. I wouldn't want to fall on that one with all those pointed ends I'm sure I'd be impaled.

I do think she should move here. All in favor say AYE!

1 comment:

beth said...