Saturday, May 16, 2009

Must she also sign on the dotted line?

Our neighbor, Sophie, stopped by the other day. She admired Sam's butterflies, all five of them, in their little mesh cage....and wanted one. I told her she needed to speak to Sam about it and he nicely consented to give her one. There was a complication; she didn't have a container in which to house a butterfly.

We all headed out for a bit and a little while later Sophie told Sam she's buy his butterflies for $20. He agreed. She then mentioned something about two dimes which isn't exactly the same as $20 so that deal fell through.

A little while later Sam came back to me with $1.20 in his hands and told me that he needed to bring the butterflies to Sophie's house. It seems they'd brokered their own deal where Sophie would keep them at her house for an unspecified period of time or maybe a day, they weren't clear on the details. He's got time, he'll figure it out. Apparently he's trying to live up to this look.

1 comment:

beth said...

Ha! Junior business man!