Monday, May 04, 2009

Urban Wildlife

Sam is fascinated with living things which seems like a very nice thing. But at one point this weekend I had in my living room:

  1. Butterfly cocoons (4) and one live butterfly. Two other cocoons have since, er, hatched.
  2. One small toad in a jar. This was my fault because I spotted it while mowing and Sam then decided it must be kept. Then we got to fight about when we were going to let it go.
  3. Toad eggs in the process of turning into teeny tiny tadpoles.

This is all well and good but the associated spills and feeding are time consuming. Sam brought the tadpoles to school today and left them there so tomorrow we're bringing fresh frog pond water to refresh the container. I'm not sure if it's better to do maintenance from afar or have the tadpoles in the house.

We've been busy around here. Sam's t-ball is more time consuming than I'd expected with games and practices and opening day and requests for volunteers at the snack shop. Saturday was opening day and Sam's team was the first team of all the Burlington teams introduced. Bewildered five year olds ran onto the field when their names were called and then stood staring at all the people looking at them.

Sam is on the blue team, for t-ball they're all Lake Monsters of various colors. He loves his hat and tee shirt and wants to wear them each and every day without regard to laundry. I put my foot down because I don't want him to be known as the stinky kid and he gets that way what with all the toad juice and such.

He's also been learning to use my sewing machine which is my fault because I've been too lazy to put it away. He made a sleeping bag for his new bear Ronan

Look, here he is combining two of his recent interests -- baseball and sewing.

Ronan looks very comfy in his new sleeping bag.

In case tee ball and sewing won't keep him busy enough, he's also taking swimming lessons on Wednesday evenings. Actually, that's my fault. I really think he needs to know how to swim and by the time I thought about it, it was too late to sign him up for the last session but for future reference I want him to be involved in only ONE activity at a time.

But what a difference a couple of years makes! He actually listens to the teacher and he loves it! I love that I don't have to be in the water with him too....

Let's see, other time consuming but not overly interesting things that are happening here. Ben's birthday is on Friday and I'm trying to organize a small party for him and get some things done early so I'm not trying to do everything on one day. I've got seedlings ready to go into the ground as soon as we're sure we aren't going to get another freeze. I'm continuing my yard clean up and planting but given that, why don't things look fabulous? My grass is growing although there seems to be large spots where nothing is coming up for some largely known reason. Porches are scrubbed of their winter dirt layer which makes them strikingly more attractive. I'm also thinking about joining the board of directors for a non-profit organization just to get outside my comfort zone a bit. Throw in a couple of pot luck lunches and dinners and I'm feeling a tad busy but it's a good busy.

My goal for this summer is to have some leisure time to sit in the sun with a good book. Apparently I'm not off to a very good start on that but I'm trying. I'm not sure how to get Sam to see my goal as his priority.

Ben updates? He's lost about 40(!) lbs in two months and is taking two writing classes. I barely see him. He's also in the midst of turkey hunting season and got a turkey on opening day. Things are busy busy busy around here.


beth said...

Wow, Sam is sewing! We'll make a quilter out of him soon enough.

LisaV said...

Awesome that Sammy likes T-ball. Do they still practice, even after the games have started? This year, here, they don't, which is good, since we already have baseball 3 nights a week (an improvement over last year's 4 nights a week) Wow on Ben losing 40lb!! How did he do that?? That's great!