Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do you know the money man?

His name is Sam. He lives on Adams Lane (or something like that).

We have decided to give Sam an allowance of $3 a week. I thought this would help stop the continual begging for toys and treats and make him realize that there is a sacrifice, a cost, associated with getting the items he wants. I love telling him he can have xyz if he wants to buy it himself. He is allowed to use the money however he’d like; no forced savings at this point.

I thought the moment he had his grubby little hands on the $3 he’d be asking to go buy gum and candy. I thought that when the ice cream truck passed by he’d be out there waving the green to stop the truck. But no, this boy is saving for something he wants.

I’m not quite sure what that is because he won’t tell me.

But he wants money, lots of money. We cashed in his cans and bottles and added $4.83 (strangely, the redemption center was giving 6 cents for a 5 cent deposit container) to his bank. He scavenged another dollar or two by digging deep beneath the couch cushions.

He’s counting down the days until Friday, allowance day, so he can get another $3….


beth said...

Sounds like drugs. You should be concerned.

Phyllis said...
