First sleepover Sam spent the night at his grandmother's house which is 45 minutes from our house. It was a slightly modified version because I was also there but on another floor just in case he got homesick -- that's a long haul in the middle of the night. He got to pick dinner (pizza of course -- he is my son after all) and dessert (mint chocolate chip ice cream and cookies) and they played games and generally had a good time. Next time he won't need me because he did great! Susan got to experience first hand the joys of a Sam who doesn't like to fall asleep.
Look what Sam thought was necessary for the sleepover: that's two duffel bags, a basket, a sled, and snowshoes. The duffel bags contained three blankets and a pillow. Apparently he didn't think that Susan had bedding. He also had his full menagerie of stuffed animals that he generally doesn't bother with at all. I talked him out of bringing a lamp and a stool. He doesn't understand the concept of packing light. He did, however, agree to my suggestion that we leave things in the bag until we need them. Oh, he also packed all these things two weeks in advance.
First Wild turkey feeding. Susan has some wild turkeys that come to her house every morning looking for a handout. Sam got to help feed them. They're very strange looking birds close up.
First time getting hit in the head/neck with a soccer ball. The ball seems to go airborne more often in indoor soccer than outdoor soccer. I don't know why.
First soccer-related tears. See above.
First soccer goal. Yes, there was a little on the field celebration.
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