Friday, April 09, 2010

Cake decorating class

Beth and I took a cake decorating classes years ago. Our teacher took it very seriously. Us? Not so much. The teacher was always glaring at us as we giggled our way through the rather ridiculous exercises.

We had to buy crazy plastic clown heads for the class which seemed, well, like a way for them to sell the stupid things because I can't figure out why anyone would ever buy them otherwise. My version: (It was close to Alisa's birthday, she just wasn't 40 yet.)

That same day Beth made this classic cake. I don't know why McD's didn't offer to use it in their advertising.

It was nearing Halloween so we decided to make cakes in honor of the holiday. Beth made a scary one with the clown heads and a bear/pig.

Mine looks as though Halloween barfed up a cake.

No class is complete without a "final." The stakes were, well, honestly, very very low. And we lived down to them. Our goal was to incorporate roses and sweetpeas into the cake.

My design was a tribute to my friend Lisa in MI.

Beth's was flowery showpiece.

The class finals, compiled.


LisaTV said...

That Ask Me Re VT cake was classic. I'll never forget how hard I laughed when I saw it!

beth said...