Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Sam has decided we're going to Hawaii! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii but alas, it's a very expensive place to visit.

Sam is undaunted by this news and decides that he will earn money to pay for the trip. First up is returning bottles. With a little help from Ben he was able to make a small contribution to the Hawaii-fund.

But that wasn't enough of course so my little entrepreneur decided he wanted to do the classic kid fund raising event, a lemonade stand! That, of course, required my assistance. Adorable! He spent at least 2 hours hawking his wares and made about $3.00 despite the wind blowing away his sign. I love my neighbors.

After he closed up shop we rode our bikes to the bank so he could deposit his funds. His Hawaii fund is now at $47.63.

Hawaii remains a tad elusive.


beth said...

Ahhhh! THIS explains the Hawaii thing! I was out of the loop.

Anne V said...

What? You don't read what I write the first thing every day?????