Tuesday, November 30, 2010

'tis the season

And it's not even December!

Sam's letter to Santa:

Dere Santu Mi name is Sam I am so so glad that crismis is a holuday this yer I hop you bring me a ping poing tabl a bunch of ucshtenshing cord’s lap top 900000000000 galing tanc sel fon camru 1000$ and that is all I wont for crismis you’r the best.


Dear Santa,

My name is Sam. I am so so glad that Christmas is a holiday this year. I hope you bring me a ping pong table, a bunch of extension cords, lap top, 900,000,000,000 gallon tank, cell phone, camera, $1,000 and that is all I want for Christmas. You're the best.

Yikes! I hope he's not too disappointed in Santa when he doesn't bring him all those things. And where exactly would you put a 900,000,000,000 gallon tank? He told me that he'll use the $1,000 to buy a cell phone and lap top. I told him that I'd never heard of Santa giving away money.

The advent calendar is filled and ready to go.

The season is upon us.


Mom said...

Nothing like thinking big.

Anne V said...

And notice there isn't a single toy on the list.

LisaV said...

time for an update. I wanna see Sam on the Polar Express again this year...