Thursday, November 11, 2010

A word about the long blog silence

Ben and I are divorcing. It’s been a long time coming and in the long run is probably the best thing for us to do. While this is obviously something that Sam doesn’t want, he is adjusting to the change and we’re working hard to make this transition as smooth for him as possible.

We’ve been receiving good support from friends and family for which I am very thankful. Still, it’s a difficult and anxiety-laden process so blogging hasn’t been very high on my priority list.

I’m hoping to get back to my normal sporadic posting schedule! Hold me to it. It’s not as though our personal drama changes the fact that Sam continues to grow and change.


Phyllis said...

I'm sure that was one of the hardest posts to write. I still haven't written the christmas letter announcing my divorce six years ago. Cant wait for you and Beth to come for some fun next weekend.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back, I've missed the blogs. From what I've noticed, if it matters, Sammyboo is doing OK. I'm sure there will be "those" times, but this too shall pass.He is lucky to have you both...judyboo