Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night I went to a meeting of local artists with a friend. One of the women there showed her work, a series about transition because she is in the midst of a job change. Her work included seekers and a guide and it spoke to me because of my current situation with the divorce.

I spoke to her after the meeting and complimented her work. I mentioned that I was also in transition. She told me that her friend had told her than these difficult life changes are like being on a trapeze. You hang on to the trapeze for as long as possible but if you ever want to get across to the other trapeze, you've got to let go. And that moment of letting go is a moment of terror but if you don't let go, you either end up back where you started or you fall. If you hang on to both at the same time you get ripped apart. The goal is to get past that moment and move on.


phyllis said...

as one who's been there...that analogy makes total sense.

Kimberly said...

That's such a great metaphor for any kind of change! I'm not going through anything like you are, but I've found that really useful.

LisaV said...

Love that! And it might not feel like it, but I think you've already grabbed on to that second trapeze. Maybe that's were the phrase "hang in there" came from!