Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Holy Moose Batman!

Walking Sam to school through the shortcut through a little wooded area today we noticed some strange tracks in the snow. At first I thought it was a deer but they were just too big for that. It occurred to me that they could be moose, right here in town. They looked just like this though and based on size, if it is a moose, it's a small one.

Moose occasionally do hang out in Burlington so it's not impossible but it's disconcerting that it's right on school property. Several years ago one of the teachers at a different school allowed kids to go out a view a moose on school property during rutting season. Oops!

Honestly though? If it is a moose I REALLY want to see it!

1 comment:

beth said...

oh cool! Maybe it's an extinct catamount!