"Dub dub, Sammy tub"
"Dub dub, Sammy tub"
And the funny thing is that I don't remember saying "Rub a dub dub, Sammy's in the tub" although I must have done it somewhere along the line. He's also been known to talk about his "little piggies MARKET". His memory is excellent. Yesterday we went to our neighbors to give them some of the salt dough ornaments and they've got some stuffed bears they bring out for Sam to play with while he's there. A month of so ago when we were there we took plastic cups and put them on each of the animals as hats then the rest of us promptly forgot about our impromtu animal hatting. Not Sam; he lined up the animals, pulled out the cups and dressed them in their finery once again.
We'd also like to present our Christmas tree. It's loaded with unbreakable ornaments that Sam repeatedly removes from the tree. I guess the advantage of that is that the tree never looks the same twice...sometimes filled with bare spots, sometimes the ornaments are co-occurring. Ha! Work terminology creeps in. It looks surprisingly crooked in the picture but it doesn't seem that way in real life.
This afternoon we're going to a winter solstice/Finnegan's birthday/Christmas Party/montster bonfire (they promise "it'll be big!") party. My goal is to keep Sam out of the fire. Finnegan and Sam share a birthday, they both turned two on Wednesday.
Heh. Y'know, in our day, my sister and I did stuff like not decorating the bottom 2' of the tree, putting the tree up on a table, and flat out screaming at the kids to get the @#$#$ away from the tree. Never occurred to me to use unbreakables and not sweat it. D-A-N-G.
So in this case GMTA is not appropriate? LOL
It's not. Wish is was, but alas, I never thought of it.
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