We're stuck at home. Sick kid. No energy. Lots of library books. One of the books is "ZuZu's Wishing Cake" which is a sweet little story about a little girl welcoming the new kid to the street. She tries to charm him with the various things she makes for him and they're really kid things that are somewhat approachable for little kids with a little assistance from an adult. And the instructions are given as part of the story which I found much nicer than a how to book.
Sam decided he had to try some of these things. First up were sunglasses. He made one for himself and one for his Daddy. Aren't they adorable? No guarantees on effectiveness and the durability was tested within moments but still, they're very cute.

Next on the agenda, a telescope. Here is Sam with the book opened to the page with the intructions and his telescope. Ignore the mess in the background. This one took less parental supervision than the other and doesn't work in the least but he was very proud of having made it.

There are lots of ideas for other projects that aren't really explained such as the car made out of a cardboard box, a hat and a purse made from paper bags, a skirt made from pieces of cardboard. I love the way they're just thrown in there without commentary, as though all kids make things constantly. What a refreshing change from the buy-me attitude of today.
I love that book!! We had it home from the 'brary several months ago, and Abbie made many of the items, including the suprise cake...yum...yum...jelly and bread. lol. This book totally reminded me of Abbie...she's always making something. Anyone care for a pair of sandels made with paper and yarn??
Maybe! What size are they?
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