Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oh, and while you're at it

Check your carbon monoxide detectors and if you have natural gas or propane in your house, get the type of detector that can detect those as well.

Why do you ask?

Last night our neighbors, with two year old and newborn in tow, appeared on our doorstep after their detector went off, the one located right outside the bedroom of the two year old. The firemen came to see them at our house to make sure he was all right (he was) and to let them know that the gas company was on their way. There was a problem with their stove; one of the burners was blocked and there was a problem with one of the fittings.

Today we bought the newer style detectors today to replace the plain old carbon monoxide detectors.

Oh, and as a result of two emergency calls in a week (our 99 year old neighbor fell in her house and wasn't found for four hours and although she didn't break anything, she won't be moving back home) where emergency vehicles couldn't get up the street there is a petition going around the neighborhood to allow parking only on one side of the street and for residents only. The fire trucks had to park around the corner in both cases because there were cars in the way.

My next door neighbors moved out yesterday, they're the ones that have been like grandparents to Sam. Their son and daughter in law bought the house from them, the third generation to live there.

The new people moved into the house on the corner.

Our neighborhood is in major transition at the moment and I don't like it!


Anonymous said...

1. WHo is the 99 year old neighbor? Is that Barb?

2. Will the neighbors who are moving be coming back to visit their family who bought the house? I'm betting you will still see them.

3. Parking on one side of the street only is really important on a narrow street! We have that on my street, due to emergency vehicles. But resident only parking is a pain in the ass, if you don't have a problem with students overrunning the neighborhood. You get only 2 guest parking permits, you have to remember to use them, and if they get lost, they won't give you new ones until the 2 year period expires! Tread carefully on that one.

Anne V said...

1. Hilda, directly across the street from us.

2. Yes, and we'll go see them at their new house since they're only about 10 miles away. Still, it's just not the same as having them next door.

3. There are apartment buildings around the corner on Shelburne Rd and people from there have just begun parking on our street in the past few months. They're really the problem since they park all over the place and plug up the street. I don't think we have any other real option to prevent that except resident parking only. It'll be a pain though, that's for sure.

LisaTV said...

I assume there will be a space left open at all times for "Lawtons Only" parking.