Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I hope I'm BANNED from plumbing duty

We have a slow sink in our house. I've done the usual stuff - plunger, drain cleaners, etc. without success. The problem was that we couldn't seem to figure out how to get the plug thingy (I'm sure that's the technical thingy) out because in our experience, they just come on out when you need them to come out. But not this one. It seemed to be stuck in there forever and ever.

I came home from work today to find a thick layer of black slime all the way up the sink. When I asked for an explanation, I was told that the dude that was looking at the motorcycle Ben is selling was right down the street on his way over and Ben was still in man makeup from turkey hunting this morning so he quickly washed his face and left the water running out of the sink.

It annoyed me so I decided to see what I could do about it. After much manipulating, I finally figured out that if I turned a ring thingy while pulling shaft thingy I could actually remove a piece that would then allow me to remove the plug thingy. When I did that, I was able to pull out a wad of sink gunk approximately the size of a mouse.....with a knitting needle. Yes, I use the tools I have on hand and this worked quite well and it's not as though I'm using it for knitting.

I was oh so proud of my accomplishment and then whammo, I knocked the the ring thingy into the drain and down into the trap. And that's where it is at this very moment because I called Ben to help, figuring that at least he could grab a pipe wrench and open the trap. Of course he doesn't want to do that, he wants to go spelunking with some sort of extending magnet thingy that of course he can't find so now he's off to the hardware store or the auto parts store or a store of some type to see if he can find it.

Perhaps instead of blogging about this I should find the pipe wrench and open the trap. I have a sneaking suspicion that even though the ring is metal, it's not magnetic. I hope I'm wrong.

And I hope he decides it's very much NOT worth his while to ignore pending plumbing problems until I decide to deal with it myself.

Update: Of course the magic expanding magnet tool didn't work and Ben ended up opening the trap. Isn't that exactly why there is a trap in the first place? Unfortunately, he didn't ban me from future plumbing. Yet.


Anonymous said...

I am very impressed that you were able to fix this! And now you have TWO magnet tool thingy's that don't do a damn thing. Cool!

Anonymous said...

Threatening to call a plumber, electrician, painter, etc. usually works here. Follow though if necessary. It only takes once and magically things start to get done.

Anne V said...

I wish threatening to call worked. Ben hates plumbing stuff although he's able to do it. It's just that you have to call about 10 plumbers before you're able to find someone willing to come out and do the job. There seems to be a shortage of plumbers in the area.

But starting a project sometimes gets Ben involved -- it's a given it the project requires power tools.