Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What should I drop?

When I first met Ben he had a cat, a little fluffy white cat named Sluggo. Sluggo was a cat with personality and you always knew how he felt about things. For instance, Ben isn't very observant in general and when menial but important task needs to be done, he's very good at overlooking that task. Sluggo responded to Ben's inattention to an overflowing litter box by taking a dump outside the box and suddenly, Sluggo's needs were met.

When I came into Sluggo's life I ended up taking over that menial task and we never had the problem again. At this point, I end up with almost all the menial but important tasks; some because it's more important to me that it get done than to the others in the house, and some because it's easier to do it than to nag others in this house to get it done.

I need to stop that.

The other day Sam dropped some food on the floor and when I told him to clean it up, he said "But you do all the cleaning."

Wrong answer kid! Now Ben and Sam both need to suffer as the result of your statement. It's time for me to crack the whip and make them get to work.

Sam is responsible for a few small tasks around the house. He has to set the table which means he has to put silverware on the table. When I ask him to do it he whines "Why do I have to do everything?" I also make him clear his dishes from the table and put them in the dishwasher because I'm mean. I expect him to put his dirty clothes in the laundry room.

The other day he was complaining because he didn't have any pajamas. And why was that? Because he'd decided to put all his dirty clothes under his bed rather than putting them in the laundry room. I'd noticed it happening but pretended I didn't because I knew if I said something it wouldn't change his behavior, it would just make him whine.

"Sam, where are all your pajamas? I've been doing laundry and haven't seen them."


"Where are they? Have you been putting them in the laundry room?"


"Well, if you put them in the laundry room I'll wash them."

He's been much better about it since then.

Getting all the stupid little tasks of day to day life done takes up an inordinate amount of time and most of the time it isn't as easy as solving the problem of Sam's pajamas. I think I need to find the adult equivalent of pooping outside the litter box to get the attention of the other people living in this house.


Beth said...

When you find the magic solution to the lack of household help, you will share it with me, won't you?!

I miss Sluggo.

Phyllis said...

And this is why I can't wait to live alone.......

Mom said...

Keep it up. Everyone needs to do their share including the fellows. I never understood why some mothers didn't include the boys in househole chores I know it's not easy but it pays off in the long run.
Our daughter-in-laws say our boys came well trained.