Friday, January 08, 2010

I needed a time out this morning

Sam woke up on the wrong side of the bed, likely due to him having gotten to sleep way too late last night. He often has a horrible time falling asleep and will be up in his room for two hours or more talking to himself, playing with whatever is nearby, and terrorizing the cat. When that happens, the mornings are bound to be bad.

While he didn't tell me "You ruin everything", I did get a "You never let me do anything!" this morning. My crime? I wouldn't let him snowshoe to school. How long would it take an inexperienced short legged snowshoer (is that a word?) to break trail (because of course you can't take them on the sidewalks) for over a half a mile? I bet a lot more than the 20 minutes we had to get to school. There was whining on his side, a time out on my side, forcible remove of snowshoes from his hands, and I ended up driving him to school because given the grudge and grumpiness, it would have taken an hour for him to walk that far. I also ended up in a very bad mood.

But I'm better now thanks to a friend who called and suggested we go for a walk...a nice long walk. A long walk while chatting. *

Now I have to work on business tax stuff and it's likely to put me in yet another bad mood. Another walk?

*Oh how I wish I had my camera with me though. As we passed one house we saw legs and boot covered feet sticking straight out of a snowbank. It was creepy and entertaining at the same time although now I'm wondering if we should have gone up and poked them to make sure it was just a joke....

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