Monday, August 01, 2011

Getting better all the time!

My foot that is. I was told that it's healing much faster than they typically heal. My new film is on the left, the original break on the right. If you click on the picture and look very closely at the one on on the left you can see shadows around the break where new bone is forming. He told me that I'll be growing "a nice big wad of bone" there.

And the air cast is gone and I have a new fashion statement.

But I bagged the sock-like thing pretty much immediately and when a friend saw my new footwear he said "It looks like a Burlington shoe." I should have asked for two of them so I'd have a matched set of intentionally ugly sandals.

After I pulled off the air cast and examined my feet I noticed something I'd never noticed before. Why the heck are my ankles different sizes????

Posting that picture makes me realize that I probably should NOT be allowed to bring a camera to the doctors office.


Beth said...

Cool pics - thanks!!

But you already have a pair of ugly Burlington sandals. (Actually the ugly sandals are growing on me - not so bad as they were originally...)

Phyllis said...

Ok Anne...i'm sick and tired of looking at this xray...time for a new post!