Saturday, March 29, 2008

Waiting for a call back

Sam's still limping and now claims his other foot hurts too despite his current drugged condition. I called the doctor because, well, because I'm a little neurotic need to be reassured that I shouldn't take him in and I fully expect that will be what I'm told when they call back. Still, this isn't slowing him down very much as you can see from these pictures taken this afternoon.

First, Sam decided he needed to go skiing: Then he decided to climb up to his favorite reading nook.

Limping isn't a bad thing, is it?

Yesterday it snowed, today the high is supposed to be 29 but look at this brave little crocus doing its best to cheer us up.

And the best news of all? Ben is listing his motorcycle on Craig's List! Well, after he polishes it lovingly, takes its picture, and wishes is a regretful goodbye. He realized that he hardly rode it last year and that he's not really itching to ride it this spring so it's time to reclaim the garage. Yay! I knew if I waited him out I'd be able to get the garage back eventually....

Updated: Dr. called back and said that if he's still limping around tomorrow morning I should make an appointment with them. I put ace bandages on his foot, actually both of them because of course then the other foot really hurt, and the bandages made everything feel much better immediately. But then he wanted one for his head but I was out of bandages so he was out of luck. It must be VERY serious, right?

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