The other project is experimental in more nature. We've emptied the rooms of furniture. I've spent hours and hours (eight, but I prefer not to think about it) scrubbing the floors with a solution of dishwasher detergent (yes, really) and water and then mopping it up to rinse it off. It took out most of the dirt, bleached the spots, cleaned the floors thoroughly, and seemed to take off a bit of the polyurethane.
Why? Take at look at the hardwood floors in our living room, dining room, and kitchen. They've got lots of worn spots and scratches.
In some places they're two-toned although I suspect our project won't help with that very much. The good news is that this occurs where the furniture goes and since we have no real choice about where to put things, this won't be visible.
Sam's enjoying the wide open space. It echos.
While Sam and I are in Wisconsin visiting my parents, Ben will be here putting a couple of coats of polyurethane on the floors! Why does he always get the cushy part of the job? We sanded and refinished the floors ourselves when we first bought the house twelve years ago although I suspect that the two coats of poly we put on was insufficient. I'm hoping that the floors will look nearly pristine when he's finished and I plan to update this post with some "after" shots too. Will this be a good alternative to full refinishing and a house full of dust? I've got my fingers crossed.
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