Monday, February 07, 2011

Work work work

We've been hit hard with snow. First it was 14" early last week. Saturday night and early Sunday morning we received an additional 10" of wet, heavy snow.

At any rate, Sam has discovered something wonderful about snow. It's an opportunity to make money! Yesterday we spent about 5 hours shoveling snow all told and during that time, Sam earned $24. He was very excited by this as he's trying to make a lot of money to go to Hawaii. I told him I'd match anything he earned or saved and he's now over $100. He's got his own bank account we can monitor his balance on-line.

I love that he's learning that in order to get money he has to work. And he's also learning that sometimes we do work even though we aren't going to receive anything in return -- we dug out our neighbor who is somewhere near 80 years old and she will NEVER thank us, ever!

We helped dig Beth out but she can tell her own sad tale in the comments.

We have 4"-8" in the forecast for tonight.


Beth said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And now I am ready to be dug out again, please!!

Beth said...

By the way, we really should have taken pictures. Although pictures really can't catch the depth of misery here...