Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back from WI

I could probably just do a ditto to my posts for previous WI visits. We do the same things each year although the cast of characters changes a bit. The pictures show how the kids have grown and how the activities have morphed as their skills grow.

A new addition this year. Meet Ringo. I kept thinking his name was Bingo but he traveled up from Chicago to join us.

Rub a dub dub four men in a....boat. The boat didn't survive -- it's now a bottomless boat.

Swimming. Brrrr.

When the swimming lost its appeal, a little chalk can be a nice change of pace.

When that lost its appeal it was on to finger knitting. My sister says that when we were kids I made a sweater for her for Christmas by sewing together finger knitting but I do NOT remember that so she must be making it up. It's a horrible idea.

So is this as Sam discovered about two minutes into his first attempt at sleeping on the cedar chest.

I put my cardboard engineering skills to work on stylish sunglasses which were first requested by my brother Brett aka Woogie to people who knew him as a kid. Yes, you can see through that gold stuff. That's the whole reason the sunglasses came into being.

What happens when you combine a mouse trap, little army guys, Grandpa, Sam, a stick, and some bad judgement? A whole lot of fun. I tried to take a picture of the flying men but the best I got was the trap in the air. That MAY be a flying guy up in the upper left hand corner but I can't vouch for that. They also gave multiples a try and yes, that works too, just in case you were planning to reenact this at home.

Gramdpa and Sam spent time by the water.

They also spent some time at a stocked pond. There were lots and lots of sunfish.
There were also bass but we lost two hooks before catching this dude...or dudette. Don't ask me. He survived to bite another day.

Silly faces.

Sweet face.

Mr Blue Eyes.

The wildlife sanctuary.

A few good storms.

But a unique WI highlight? A necessity? Something Quinn called "Those things that go squeak in your mouth when you chew them." They must be eaten on the day they were made or you're just wasting your time.


Beth said...

Did you bring me any cheese curds? Didja? Huh? huh? Where are they?!

LisaTV said...

I think Quinn and Sam look like brothers. Great pictures - fine family fun! I enjoyed looking at your sister's set on FB, too.